Friday, October 15, 2010

When Syahmi was little...

In general, Syahmi was a relatively easy baby to take care of. Granted, there were quite a few things that I had to be extra careful with a baby boy eg: place a tissue paper on his groin during the times when he was diaperless while I was busy putting baby lotion or talcum powder on him after his baths. Didn't experience any colic problems with Syahmi too unlike Sofiya when she was months old.

Syahmi reached all the normal physical achievements accordingly to his age on time. He rolled over, crawled and walked before he was one year and three months. However, I had noticed that he was rather quiet and not as 'talkative' as Nabilah and Sofiya. My girls would make all sorts of noises when I play with them but Syahmi was not like that. At first, I didn't let that bother me.

Among the words that Syahmi could speak when he was two and a half years old were "bye bye", "good night" and "susu". When Nabilah was at that age, she could string together a complete sentence like "Siapa tu?" while pointing towards that person/ something (but that's another story, creepy though!). Sofiya also talked a bit slower than Nabilah. She started to really talk at three years and three months old. So I was not that overly concerned about Syahmi's talking ability. I thought that he's just naturally a slow talker. And anyway, both my side and my husband's side of our families had slow talkers. I was sure it was a genetic problem and that Syahmi would talk normally in due time.

Syahmi didn't improved a bit for the next one year. He would point or gesture whenever he wanted something. A doctor advised us to have Syahmi examined for any hearing defects. We went to an ENT expert and there was nothing wrong with Syahmi's ears. A child specialist then noticed that the skin under Syahmi's tongue was a bit shorter than usual and suggested it to be lasered off. So he went to have that operation in December 2006 after I had given birth to Nadiah.

After that operation, his speech improved a bit because his tongue could move more freely to form words. But his talking ability was still that of a kid younger than his age.

About my little guy...

Syahmi is now 7 years old. Born on Monday, 9/6/2003, at 2.15 pm, weighing at 3.12 kg at Pantai Medical Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, he seemed like a perfect little boy. My handsome little prince. :-) He's the only one with a dimple in his right cheek too!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm starting this blog about my son after his speech therapist suggested the idea to me, today. I've been considering it before but was afraid to commit myself at first due to time limitations. But after a while, what the heck, this will be my personal blog about my son, Muhammad Syahmi. Hmm, but I guess after this, I'd have to do three more blogs about my three girls too! :-)

This blog will mainly be about his journey towards overcoming all the obstacles that're stopping him from achieving his full potential in his personal development.